Whenever someone asks for a recommendation of a place to visit in the South, Savannah is always near the top of that list. The whole city feels like you’ve dropped back in time, and you fully expect to see Scarlett O’Hara in full period costume on any of the street corners. Spanish moss dips low from trees, blanketing a preserved, candyland of Victorian architecture. We only had a day to spend their on our last trip but I knew I didn’t want to miss getting to stop into one of my favorite cities. I’m listing some of our favorite places to visit when we go to Savannah below!
-Forsyth Park
-The Avenue of Oaks
-Different city squares
-Tybee Island/Tybee Island Lighthouse
-E. Shaver Book Seller
-East River Street
-The Collins Quarter
-The Foxy Loxy
-The Deck
-The Olde Pink House