Saving money is my favorite. I’m a sucker for a sale, and love to travel often instead of expensively. One of the questions we get the most, is about how to save money on dining at Disney. After awhile, you get over the ‘sticker shock’ of seeing Disney prices for food, but still – there ARE ways to save money on dining. Today, we’re talking about one of the more popular ways.
Tables in Wonderland is available to Florida Residents, Annual Passholders (us!), and DVC Members (someday us, hopefully). Tables in Wonderland is a year-long-membership card, that you pay a one time fee for, and can be used for 20% off food and drink (alcohol!), at MOST Disney locations. You can use your card for up to ten people, and buy an additional card for a lesser price.
Tables in Wonderland cards cost $150 a year, for APs and DVC. If you’re a Florida Resident that isn’t an AP, your card will cost $175. As an added benefit, you will receive complimentary valet at Disney Resorts.
Now here’s the big question – IS IT WORTH THE MONEY? Unfortunately, we can’t give you any definite answers. The bottom line is – it depends. Before you decide to purchase a Tables in Wonderland card, you need to evaluate your eating and spending habits. For us, even though we go to the parks often, it’s probably not the best deal. There’s only two of us, and we don’t often eat at the big ticket restaurants (and if we do, we normally head to the lounge). If you’re a family however, that enjoys nice restaurants, and a few drinks with each meal, it will most likely save you a lot of money.
At the end of the day, you have to be honest with yourself about your spending habits at Disney, to truly evaluate whether or not it will save you money.