Best Snack Credit Uses On The Disney Dining Plan

If you chose to go with the Disney Dining Plan on your vacation, there are ways to get more for your money. And that’s what we’re all after, right? Getting the most for our money? (At least I am. If there is a deal out there, I will find it.) Snack credits are one of the best way to stretch your dining plan further to get more for your money. People love snacking – this is a universal truth. And snacking at Walt Disney World, where many of the snacks are Mickey Mouse shaped, is even better. All snack credits are not created equal, however. Some snack credits are worth small meals, in dollar amounts, while others, are worth essentially nothing, and if you really want them, would be better paying out of pocket. Today, we’re breaking down good and bad uses of snack credits to help you get the most mileage out of your dining plan.

Best Uses For Snack Credits By Park:

Magic Kingdom:
-Dole Whip/Dole Whip Floats at Aloha Isle. Dole Whip is an iconic Disney World snack, and for good reason. People have fan clubs, t-shirts, and addictions. Dole Whip gets pricy though (more than $4), so it’s a good snack credit use.
-Ice Cream at The Plaza Ice Cream Parlor. The Plaza Ice Cream can get pricey, and as the tables outside have views of the castle, you’re really renting prime Magic Kingdom real estate.

DSC_9673DSC_0144DSC_012620160626-LJP_6379The Animal Kingdom:
-You can get ANY drink at Creature Comforts (really any Starbucks at Disney Since you can eat
World) for a snack credit. Want multiple shots of espresso? Go for it. It’s a snack credit.
-You can get a surprisingly large portion of chicken fried rice at Anandapur Local Food Cafes for a snack credit. It’s large enough to be a meal, and it’s a nice unique option!

-You can now get a California Roll for a snack credit option at Japan in Epcot.
-Food and Wine Festival Booths, or Flower and Garden Festival Booths. The food booths at special events at Epcot are a GREAT use of snack credits if you want the most bang for your buck. If we’re going to Epcot during a special event, we almost always recommend getting a dining plan, just because you’ll make out like gangbusters with snack credits.
-The Lobster Bisque Soup at the French Bakery isn’t just one of our favorite items to eat at World Showcase, it’s a snack credit. We love to make meals at the French Bakery using only snack credits, and to eat them out by the fountain.

DSC_9968 You can buy David’s shirt hereDSC_8993DSC_8968DSC_8950DSC_0190Hollywood Studios:
-Bakery items at The Starring Rolls. We always use this as a breakfast stop to feed our whole crew. Get there early – they close at 4 pm!

DSC_0286DSC_6182The Disney Dining Plan has pro’s and con’s (we love it, but don’t always use it), but if you’re going to use it, you should use it wisely. You work hard – SO GET THE MOST FO YO MONIES. We give the mouse a lot of cheese, let’s not give him more than necessary.

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