As we enter week 34279 of quarantine during COVID19, David and I have had to become very creative with how we have date-night during a pandemic. If you’ve been around the blog any length of time, you know that David and I are passionate about having a weekly date night as one of the ways that we work to keep our marriage strong. We started having outdoor movie nights about a year ago, and during quarantine, we’ve loved having that option even more. I’ve always gotten a lot of questions about how we create our backyard theater, so today I wanted to share what we use.
This projector:
We ordered this projector for $65 and have had a great experience with it. It’s on the lower end of cost, but it’s been super reliable.
This screen:
We got this screen on Amazon – it’s $45 and super easy to set up. All you need is a fence, and a few nails.
Total cost:
The total cost for our backyard set up is right above $100, and considering how much we’ve used it, I think it’s one of the best investments we’ve made in our backyard.